2006.01.29 Five Winds - cross country skiing

This Five Winds trip started from “the culvert” on Muskoka Road 13 and bushwhacked in a generally southwesterly direction to where the Windy Ridge trail ends. Then we crossed Nine Mile Lake to the Ten Minute Ridge trail skied along the Ten Minute Ridge and Turtle Lake Section. I think we went down Turtle Lake for awhile and then back out to Nine Mile Lake and on to the marina.

It started out with wet snow, which change to ice pellets and later to just plain rain. But it was nice to be out there skiing. I managed to stay reasonably warm, if somewhat damp.

This is one of the map check sessions - thanks to Ian Evans and Bruce Gary for the excellent navigation.

Some of the snowflakes here seem to be whizzing by like comets.


To see a larger image of a photo you can left-click on it. 

I think by this point I had some snow on the lens.

A waterfall at our lunch spot