2006.01.23 Five Winds - cross country skiing

This was my first trip with Five Winds since I rejoined the club. It was a fantastic day. We had somewhere between 10 and 20 cm. of fresh snow on top of a firm base. My group, led by Brad skied from Muskoka Road 33 to Lalonde Lake and then south through a series of marshes and small lakes to McCrae Lake. We picked up the trail again at Bastille and took it to Georgian Bay Road. Some of the marshes and lake edges had open water, as the pictures will show, but McCrae Lake was frozen enough for snowmobiles.

All of these photos are from Liz Walter. Thanks Liz for sending them.

On this page I haven’t finished the process of linking the images you see to high resolution copies. If you click on the first image you’ll see a high resolution copy in a new window, but you won’t if you click on any of the remaining images.